Cute video: talented monkey gives rhythm lesson

A talented monkey gives a rhythm lesson. Photo: Reproduction Instagram
A talented monkey gives a rhythm lesson. Photo: Reproduction Instagram

The adorable video of a talented monkey giving a rhythm lesson is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The clip, shared on Instagram, shows a diaper-wearing monkey sitting next to a woman. The woman, who is playing the keyboard, gives the monkey a cue to hit the cymbals at the right time, and he takes the opportunity to show off all his talent.

The video, posted at the end of January, has already accumulated more than 16 million views, as well as over 416,000 likes and thousands of comments from internet users who were impressed by the musical monkey.

“That dude’s been listening to late 60s jazz lately,” joked one Instagram user. “He’s a better musician than Bad Bunny,” said another. “I’d love to see this monkey in [the movie] Whiplash,” admitted a third internet user.

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